This is some of what us Challenge Academy do. The pitcher you see is when we went to our noho marae, we had alot of fun we done, Waka ama, We went to the Aquatic centre, Took a walk down to Ohinemutu to learn about our ancestors. Us Challenge peps are ENERGETIC ;),Sporty,Fun, Listens to what we are supose to do, and most of all RESPECT eachother. The man you see in the picture is taking a third of us to Sports Camp _Yheea_. And i happen to be in that third _Yheea_. Us Challenge peps run 7 laps around 2 feilds every second day, But when some of us arent running properley and not in a straight line we have to run ever day, but that aint likeley ;). What else can i say about CHALLENGE, We rule the school hehehe.

About Me...

My names Tasha and I go to Kaitao Intermediate. I am in Challenge, Rm 14. I chose to be in Challenge because I wanted to improve my Health and Well being, and become fitter. And by me becoming better at this i got chosen to go to sports camp with some of our academy, and Mr Apperley. I got chosen because I run my bestest when we have laps, I try my hardest 24/7 in class, and focus on what im ment to be doing. The sports that I am going to be choosing is, Basket ball, Netball. Soccer,Touch, Vollyball, and probley Ping Pong. Our class just finished speeches I thought it would be shameless but when i put my mind to it it wasn't that hard. Our speeches had to be on Health and Well being. My subject was on Drugs because you know how some kids take drugs, and by me saying my speech on drugs I hope it has told kids out there that it is dangerous for our Health and Wellbeing. My Challenge teachers names are Whaea Rea, Ms Heartly, Matua Darel, Mr Apperley, and Whaea Tracy. Kaitao is the best School i have been to.

Lunch Time Memories...

This is Cheyenne, Me, Sam, and Chereece. What were we doing this lunch time? Playing kicks with the boys, and sitting down singing our favorite songs.


These people are my very close friends. It is lunch time and we are sitting on the Field. In the pitcher there are, Cheyenne, Chereece, Te Rangimarie, Melody, Jazmin Hiding behind Melody, and Sam. Friends are important in learning i think and that's why we are very close.

Working in the I.C.T room.

That day I was working in the I.C.T room, not for nothing no, I was working in there doing our blogs about our Academys, School, Telling people how great Kaitao Intermediate is, and how us Kaitao peps Learn. The ear phones you see on me, well i was listening to music and learning at the same time. And by me going on this website i learnt about shifting pitchers onto the internet.

Whaea Tracy dressing up for swimming sports...!!!


This is OHINEMUTU area. This big building is the church. We learnt alot about this building and this area. But most of all again i just had alot of fun..xx

At the end of our noho....x

This is me and Cheyenne we were just LAXING BACK in the out side pool looking all gangstered coz that's just how we roll. But after that long day we just needed a very cold swim. After that we headed on the bus and it was nice and hot. Then we were at KURA ohhhh we all screamed. Then we were waiting for our parents to pick us up with our bags. But most of all i thank all the challenge teachers for giving us the experience of the Maori culture and the history of the marae we stayed at Tunohopu. T H A N K Y O U....XX